Is it dangerous to eat sprouted onions?

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on April 26, 2024, At 02:18 AM ET

Posted on April 26, 2024, At 02:17 AM ET

Many women prepare garlic and onion in large quantities so that they are always available, but sometimes it happens that onions and garlic sprout. Sprouting changes the color and taste of garlic and onion. In this article, we have provided ways to prevent garlic and onion from sprouting. Improper storage of garlic and onions causes them to spoil and sprout. If you want to keep your garlic and onions from sprouting, follow the tips below.

Keep garlic and onion at the right temperature

The best temperature for keeping garlic and onions is between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius, that is, higher than the temperature of the refrigerator and slightly lower than the temperature of a room. Keep garlic and onions in a cool place and do not put them in a hot place because the heat causes them to sprout, soften and change the taste of onions and garlic.

Keep the onions in a dry place

Moisture causes garlic and onion to spoil and germinate. Spread the onions on a cloth three weeks after purchase and keep them in a warm and dry environment.

Put the garlic and onion in a dark place

It is better to store garlic and onion in a dark environment and do not store onions and garlic in front of sunlight. Changes in the amount of lighting can also cause temperature fluctuations.

Put the garlic and onion in a ventilated place

Never keep garlic and onions in plastic because the lack of proper air circulation causes humidity and as a result the onion sprouts or rots. It is better to keep them in a place like a net bag or a wire basket with air circulation to prevent them from sprouting.

Keep garlic and onion separately

It is better to allocate a completely separate space for keeping garlic and onion and keep garlic and onion away from other fruits and vegetables. Ripe fruits produce ethylene gas, which increases the probability of germination.

What to do with the sprouted onion?

If the onion is sprouted and moldy, throw it away, but if it is healthy and only sprouted, cut the onion in half and remove the remains of the sprout and root.

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