Green tomatoes are harmful for which people?

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on April 26, 2024, At 02:18 AM ET

Posted on April 26, 2024, At 02:18 AM ET

1- People with high blood pressure, most people eat green tomatoes with salt. Salt increases blood pressure and is dangerous for those who suffer from this disease.

2- People suffering from reflux and stomach ulcers. People with stomach problems, especially those who suffer from stomach reflux or stomach ulcers, should be careful when consuming green tomatoes. Green tomato is a sour and acidic fruit, and this acidity can cause heartburn and exacerbation of reflux symptoms in people suffering from this disease.

Also, citric acid and malic acid in green tomatoes can be problematic for people with stomach ulcers and aggravate the symptoms of ulcers.

3- People who suffer from stomach bloating, the citric acid in green tomatoes increases the production of gas in the digestive system, leading to the feeling of bloating and discomfort in the person. For this reason, if you suffer from the problem of flatulence, it is recommended to be careful in consuming green tomatoes or completely remove it from your diet.

4- For people who have sensitive teeth , tooth enamel is the most superficial part of the tooth that wears away due to contact with acidic substances. Due to its acid, green tomatoes can dissolve tooth enamel and lead to erosion and tooth decay.

5- People with kidney stones, green tomatoes contain significant amounts of oxalic acid. This acid can lead to the production of stones in the kidney and urinary tract. For this reason, people with a history of kidney stones or bladder stones are advised to be careful in consuming green tomatoes and avoid eating too much of them.

6- Children under three years of age, due to the fact that green tomato is allergenic, its consumption is not suitable for children under three years of age. This fruit can cause allergies in some children due to its acid and special compounds.

7- People with phlegmatic temperament. Green tomato has a very cold nature, and consuming too much of it can be harmful for phlegmatic and cold-tempered people. The cold nature of green tomatoes can aggravate the cold in the body of these people and cause symptoms such as heartache, heartburn, lethargy and body weakness.

8- Pregnant women, consumption of green tomatoes during pregnancy in moderation is not only safe, but also has many benefits for the mother and fetus. However, excessive consumption of green tomatoes can be harmful to the health of the fetus.

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